Support your full-body well-being through mindful abdominal massage. Chi Nei Tsang (Abdominal Vital Energy Massage) is beneficial for:

  • Reducing Pain and Tension (physical and emotional)

  • Improving Digestion and Elimination

  • Reducing Stress and Anxiety

  • Alleviating Hip and Low back Pain

  • Improving Reproductive Health

Chi Nei Tsang is a deeply relaxing, fully clothed modality that can help bring balance to the body, emotions, and mind. Gentle touch works with the client’s own breath and internal awareness to support digestive health and the unwinding of tension that so often laces through our core. The receptive network of neurons in the abdomen, the “Belly Brain or enteric nervous system,” has been shown to affect not only digestion, but also our mental and emotional health. Pressure can vary from light to firm, but avoids pressing too deeply into pain.

Chi Nei Tsang and techniques from its heritage of Eastern medicine, Ampuku, can ease back pain, restriction of the connective tissue that supports organs and joints, improve ease of motion in the spine and diaphragm, reduce menstrual pain, and improve fertility. While most sessions are focused on the abdomen, the whole body is assessed and can be worked as needed.

60 minute treatments are available to release stagnant chi and make space for vital, balanced energy.

What Is Chi?

Chi is a concept that has been, in my view, overly mysticised and associated with the supernatural. Our body is a nest of complicated systems dancing in harmony, and our forebears had less advanced tools than we do now to investigate how it functions. Research into how our body functions is an ongoing science, and older metaphors such as ‘chi flow and blockages’ can still be of some use to the discerning practitioner.

Chi, as a word, has many associations, and here are some major ones that are given to the body processes that keep us alive and well.

  • Genetics - Yuan chi

  • Food and nutrients - Ying chi

  • Breath - Zong chi

  • Overall resilience and immune response - Wei and Zhong chi

A primary assumption in this model is that no system is working independently; every system is related. A deficiency in one can lead to symptomatic weakness elsewhere. Receiving Chi Nei Tsang is a wonderful experience that can ripple through the body in a natural, holistic way.